domingo, 3 de mayo de 2015

Day 10 - Raised by another

Not all the mornings were quiet. This, for example, began with the piercing screams of Claire.

I approached to see what was happening and I could see Charlie trying to help her and luckily he had calmed her down.
Apparently she had suffered a nightmare. The strange thing was that she had hurt herself, probably with her own nails
No todas las mañanas eran tranquilas. Ésta por ejemplo comenzó con los gritos desgarradores de Claire. 
Me acerqué para saber que pasaba y pude ver a Charlie tratando de ayudarla y por suerte la había calmado.
Al parecer había sufrido una pesadilla. Lo extraño era que se había lastimado, probablemente, con sus propias uñas al cerrar las manos fuertemente.
When she was calmer, I treated her wounds. Then I began to find out for something else about her pregnant. I asked her some questions about her consults with the doctor. I was worried of how she had been able to fly with such an advanced pregnancy, but she told me that she was fine so her doctor had allowed her to do it.
I think it had been only a bad night.
Cuando ya estaba mas tranquila, le curé las heridas. Entonces aproveché para averiguar algo mas sobre su embarazo. Le hice algunas preguntas acerca de sus controles, y me extrañó que haya podido volar con un embarazo tan avanzado, pero ella me contó que estaba muy bien y por eso la dejaron. 
Creo que todo había sido solo una mala noche.
We joked a little about the disadvantages of being a sleepwalker or to talk when we are sleeping
Bromeamos un poco acerca de las desventajas de ser sonámbulos o de hablar dormidos
Later I went to the beach. I found Kate with her feet on the water. Incredibly, she was doing nothing.
Mas tarde fui a la playa. En la orilla encontré a Kate, extrañamente no estaba haciendo nada. 

We had fun for a while with that, and then I told her something that was worrying me a lot. Claire was about to give birth. That would be a big problem in a place like that.
Nos divertimos un rato con eso, y luego le planteé algo que me estaba preocupando mucho. Claire estaba a punto de dar a luz. Eso sería un gran problema en un lugar como ese.

Again, that night we awaked with the shouts of Claire. Histerically she told me that someone had attacked her with a needle and had tried to hurt her baby.
Nuevamente esa noche nos despertamos sobresaltados por los gritos de Claire. En medio de un ataque de histeria me dijo que la habían atacado con una aguja, que le habían querido hacer daño a su bebe.
I asked some water to someone that had approached. I don't remember his name. Some people went out looking for the attacker. Everything was so strange.
Le pedí agua a alguien que se acercó, no recuerdo su nombre, y varios salieron en búsqueda del atacante. Todo era muy extraño.

I joined to the group and I ended up with Hurley that was very anxious to tell me something. Initially I couldn't understand him because Hurley has a very particular stile to explain things. 
He told me that we needed to make a register of the survivors. It was necessary for the security of the group. In that way, we could know who was and who wasn't.

Hurley was right. How we could look for a possible agressor if we didn't know who we were?. If we had an invasor, How we would recognize him?
So in the morning we could see him around the beach, taking note of the personal data and making a list. Hugo? ah yes, he told me that was his name, and that Hurley was his nickname. But he warned to me he wasn't gonna say why he was called so, hahaha
Me uní al grupo de búsqueda y terminé al lado de Hurley. El estaba ansioso por contarme su inquietud. 
Al principio me costo entenderle ya que Hurley tiene una manera muy particular de explicar las cosas. Me dijo que deberíamos tener un registro de las personas que integran el grupo de supervivientes, que era necesario por seguridad. De esa manera sabríamos quien esta y quien no. 
Hurley tenía razón. Como buscar a un posible agresor cuando no sabemos quienes somos. Si tuviéramos a un invasor, ¿como lo reconoceríamos?
Asique por la mañana podíamos ver a Hugo recorriendo la playa, tomando nota de datos personales y haciendo un listado. Hugo? si, así me dijo que se llamaba, Hugo Reyes. Y que Hurley era un sobrenombre, del cual no me iba a contar la procedencia, jajaja.
I argued with Charlie. I had doubts about what was happening to Claire. I didn't think she was lieing but she could have some stress because of the pregnancy, plus because of the situation of the island. I tried to make him to understand but it was useless. He insisted on she wasn't hallucinating.

I was worried that these stress levels could induce labor. I had no anesteshia, nor instruments, nor monitors. It would be too risky
Hoy tuve una discusión con Charlie. Tengo dudas de que lo que le está pasando a Claire sea real, no porque mienta sino por el estress del embarazo, sumado a la situación en la que se encuentra. Traté de que viera lo que yo veo pero fue inútil. Insiste en que no lo esta inventando.
Me preocupa que estos niveles de estress le adelanten el parto. No tenemos ni anestesia, ni instrumentos, ni monitores. Sería demasiado arriesgado.

I found some pills that could help Claire and I asked to her to take them.

It was a disaster. Although I tried to explain that they were perfect for her and that they would help her on her last days of pregnancy, she reacted very bad. She didn't want to hear reasons and went out of the caves
Encontré unas pastillas sedantes que pueden ayudar a Claire y decidí pedirle que las tomara. 
Fue un desastre. Aunque me esforcé explicándole que eran adecuadas para su situación y que le ayudarían a transitar los últimos días del embarazo, reaccionó con mucho enojo. No quiso escuchar razones y se marchó de las cuevas. 
Just in that moment Charlie entered into the caves and I received a reprimand from him. 
He followed her and I didn't know if I had done well trying to give Claire a solution.
Justo en ese momento entraba Charlie y recibí una reprimenda de su parte. Finalmente Charlie salió tras de ella y me quedé sin saber si había hecho bien al ofertarle esa solución.

More later, while I was telling to Kate what had happened, Sayid entered into the caves. We were shocked. He was hurt and exhausted. While we were curing him he was desperate for talking.
Mas tarde, mientras le contaba a Kate lo sucedido cuando entró en las cuevas Sayid. Quedamos todos perplejos. Venia herido y muy fatigado. Mientras lo atendimos se desesperaba por hablar. 
Emphatically he told me that we were not alone.
I froze, not knowing what to say. It was a mixture of confusion and fear to know what he meant.
I continued healing and gave water and food to recover.
Con mucho énfasis me dijo que no estábamos solos. 
Me quedé paralizado, sin saber que decir. Era una mezcla de confusión con miedo de saber a que se refería.
Proseguí con las curaciones y le dimos agua y comida para que se recuperara.
Suddenly Hurley appeared, he repeated once and again my name. 
I was still shocked by the appearance of Sayid and do not understand the rush. But he insisted so much that in the end I understood.
Hurley had been doing a survey of the survivors and he had discovered that one of the people that was among them, wasn't on the manifest of the plane. In conclusion, it was not a mate of them on the flight, he was an infiltrator.

My head began to spin. I couldn't assimilate so much things. Sayid was saying that we were not alone in that island and Hurley  that we had an spy.
De pronto apareció Hurley repitiendo una y otra vez mi nombre. 
Yo aún estaban en shock por la aparición de Sayid y no le entendía el apuro. 
Pero insistió tanto que al final entendí. 
Hurley había estado haciendo el relevamiento de los supervivientes y había descubierto que una de las personas que estaba entre ellos no figuraba en el manifiesto del avión. En conclusión, no era compañero de ellos en el vuelo, era un infiltrado.

Mi cabeza comenzó a dar vueltas. No podía asimilar tantas cosas. Sayid diciendo que no estábamos solos y Hurley que teníamos un espía.

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